Equestrian equipment for rider and horse

In horse riding, horse riding equipment represents all the equipment and objects used. Both to lead the horse and to care for or protect it. Riding equipment is essential, both for the rider and the horse. Your riding equipment will vary according to your riding discipline and your needs. Find out some of the answers to how to equip yourself and your mount.
What is the rider's riding gear?
The rider's gear is primarily about his or her clothing. The outfit for beginner riders consists of riding breeches and riding boots for support and protection of the leg. You can wear gloves to keep the reins from slipping through your fingers and to keep your hands warm in the winter. To complete your protection, you need a riding canopy (also called a helmet). A back protector or a protective riding vest, airbag or foam, is not mandatory, but recommended. The riding crop or stick completes the outfit. It is an artificial aid to help the rider in his leg action or reinforce his aids.
Advanced riders sometimes replace riding boots with booties or boots, to which are added mini-chaps or full chaps, as in Western. They add to their equipment a riding crop for lunging and spurs to replace the riding crop. A wide range of products is being developed to dress the rider for his time at the riding school stable or in competition. These range from softshell jackets to down jackets and waterproof jackets, as well as fleece-lined stable boots. To this, you can add a selection of products such as a cap when you're on the ground, from a sweatshirt or customizable show jackets in different colors.
How to choose a rider's riding gear
In the store or on the Internet, you have a wide choice of products. Sale periods and private sales give you the opportunity to equip yourself for less. Turn your need into pleasure and take advantage of Horse Pilot's promos on your favorite riding equipment.
The horse pants
The rider's pants are worn close to the body. They are stretchy and comfortable, with no misplaced seams. They can be reinforced with a full bottom or knee-high baskets. These reinforcements can be gel or fabric and equipped with silicone grips. They protect the contact areas on the inside of the leg, against injuries from saddle rubbing.
Horse boots and other footwear
There is no shortage of choice. A 2-3 cm heel and a suitable sole prevent the rider's foot from slipping in the stirrup. Boots, boots and other booties come in budget rubber to luxury leather. They must be comfortable and adapted to your equestrian activity. Our Teknit Boot is a technical riding boot that combines comfort and technology to make your choice easier. It adapts to your discipline for simplicity.
The gloves
In synthetic or leather, with reinforcements and snaps or with non-slip grips, light or warm, gloves come in a variety of styles to suit your desires and the seasons. They must leave the sensitivity and full mobility of your hand.
The bomb and the protective riding vest
Protect yourself from injury in the event of a fall with your helmet that has an elastic band or an adjustable strap. Made of plastic or carbon, there are different models depending on your equestrian discipline. So does the protective vest. Simple back shell or real airbag equestrian of riding for full protection, you choose your model according to the level of protection you want.
Other riding gear
Spurs are the metal pieces you attach to your heel to spike the horse's flanks. Round-toed, spiked, with a spur, Polo or Prince of Wales, the choice is yours. Today, to animate your horse in longe, the carbon or fiberglass whip is equipped with a telescopic handle or injected foam. The whip, or badine, also has many models to suit your needs. In short, whatever you're looking for, you'll find something to match your taste and need.

What is the horse riding equipment?
Not counting care equipment, the list of horse equipment can be really long if all disciplines are considered. What you need to remember is that you choose your riding equipment according to your equestrian discipline. We are talking about the mounted horse here. But areas like driving and vaulting also have their own equipment.
Horse equipment in hand
To tie up your bareback horse or tie him up while you saddle or shower him, the horse wears a halter with a lead rope. This can be short for tethering times or long for lunging work. Many blankets are used to protect the horse from the cold or bad weather when resting or working. Between the dryer blanket, the honeycomb mesh fly shirt, the fleece blanket and the reflective blanket, you have enough to get a small collection to deal with any situation.
Ethological gear
Ethological riding enthusiasts appreciate the use of an ethological halter. Lightweight, it comes in several colors. It transmits the slightest pressure that the rider impels. This guarantees very precise instructions for the horse when working mounted or on foot. It is often used with an ethological lanyard, which is sometimes longer than a conventional lanyard.
Material of the mounted horse
It is most comfortable to ride your horse with a saddle that has a girth, stirrup straps and stirrups. To protect your horse's back from the friction of the saddle, a suitable rug is welcome. If necessary, a shock absorber can be added. To lead the horse, your legs are useful, but a bridle and reins are very practical. An adapted bit or hackamore completes the set. Depending on your activity, extra tack, a gouge or elastics can be added to the kit. And don't forget protective gear such as bells, fetlock guards and gaiters. Did your horse enjoy the pasture? You can hold your saddle in place with a hunting collar or a breast band.
How to choose horse riding gear
First and foremost, your horse's equipment must be adapted to his morphology and the discipline you practice. It must be regularly maintained to last over time and for the comfort of your horse.
The saddle
The set of saddlery equipment depends on your practice just like the horse riding clothes. You will opt for a mixed saddle if you combine outdoor activities, jumping and dressage. But your endurance or trekking saddle will remain stored for your show jumping. An adjustable tree allows you to adapt the saddle to your horse's curves easily. An improper saddle can hurt your horse, even with a good pad.
There are girths specific to your activity, like bib girths for jumping and girths for endurance. You have nylon, leather, ergonomic or even elastic ones. The latter facilitate the horse's breathing as long as they are not too tight. You can also add a sheath to your girth, to avoid chafing.
The reins and bridles
Check that the noseband is not too tight so that the horse can breathe properly. The position of the bit in the horse's mouth depends on the length of the uprights. You should be able to pass your closed fist between the horse's throat and the underbite. Choose a bridle that is comfortable for the horse and the right size. And your reins should be long, but not too long. This allows the horse to touch the ground with its nose without hurting, or knocking you over.
Riding protectors should fit the size of your pony or saddle horse. They also fit snugly, without compressing your mount's tendons.