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Horse Pilot
  • Production

    Our factories follow an ethical and eco-responsible approach


    Our manufacturing plants are located in Asia, Eastern Europe and France.

    In addition to being renowned for their know-how, they follow an ethical and eco-responsible approach.

    A shared commitment

    We operate in a relationship of trust with our suppliers and manufacturers, who for their part are committed to respecting the ethical and eco-responsible values that we share by signing a code of conduct.

    Beyond the social and environmental standards in force, we regularly visit our garment factories. We make sure that working conditions are good, that all employees are of legal age, that they are paid above the national average and that they have ongoing training programs.

    WHAT IS IT ?

    For a few years now, and in a real will of transparency, Horse Pilot adheres to the movement FASHION REVOLUTION which aims at sensitizing to a better consumption and allows a better knowledge of the textile sector.

    Initiated by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro following the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh, the Fashion Revolution is a citizen campaign in search of the social and environmental responsibility of textile companies.

    At the origin of the hashtag #IMadeYourClothes on social networks, the movement encourages brands to highlight the people who make their products. We present here the people who produce Horse Pilot clothing:


    We operate in a relationship of trust with our suppliers and manufacturers

    26000 manufacturing days / year


    It is essential for us to ensure that our production teams work in good conditions. Workspaces are large and secure, and employees also have access to comfortable accommodations. The factories we work with are also committed to being inclusive, and offer a rehabilitation program for people with disabilities.

    Our commitments are based on 3 principles